ハレノヒ ,Vol.12 三島のまちのものがたり 旧町名から知る、わたしたちのまち

三島のきっかけマガジン ハレノヒ Vol.12

Message from the editor

土地の起源と意味の研究である地名学は、長い間私が興味を持っていることの一つです。この興味がなぜ湧き出てきたのかを 振り返ってみると、私が生まれたカナダのNewfoundland(新しく見つかった土地)にさかのぼります。ニューファンドランドでは町の名前が非常にカラフルなのです。地質学的な特徴を捉えた地名(Flatrock /平らな岩)、気象の特徴(Blow Me Down /立っていられないほどの強い風)やその土地に移り住んだ人たちの特徴(Port aux Basque /バスクの港)などとてもユニークな地名があるのです。


Vol.12 「三島のまちのものがたり 旧町名から知る、わたしたちのまち」は、江戸時代末期の1800年、町名がしばらく変わらなかった時代に焦点を当てています。東海道の宿場町として人々が行き交い、三島宿が発展した時代です。私たちは歴史的な事柄を知る方からお話を伺ったり、手描きの地図やその時代を表現するイラストを制作し、かつての三島のまちの様子を垣間見ることができました。



Toponomy, the study of place names, their origin and meaning, has long been a personal interest of mine. Looking back, I can trace this interest back to the place of my birth in Newfoundland (New Found Land), Canada where the names of towns can be quite colorful and illustrate geological features (Flatrock), weather patterns (Blow Me Down) as well as immigration patterns (Port aux Basque).

From my office here in Shibahoncho, I have often pondered the origin of this town name, and indeed exactly why Mishima was called Mishima (Three Islands) in the absence of any sizable bodies of water or visible islands.

In Volume 12, A Tale of Towns, the Harenohi team poured over historical texts as well as hand-drawn maps and illustrations to catch a glimpse of how the city once was, pulling hints from the former names of 18 towns that made up the ancient post station of Mishima Juku. In particular, we focus on the year 1800, a time at the end of the Edo period when these names had remained unchanged for some time. From these names, we can begin to see a picture of how Mishima Juku was organized, and how many those roots evolved to become the city we know today.

Join us as we go back in time to see the city of old and read the tale of its towns.

旧町名の由来 / Origin of Old Town Names


For this volume, we travel back to Mishima Juku (post station) in the year 1800 to discover remnants from a time when the region was divided into towns with distinct features and names quite different from today.
Note: The words Cho and Machi both mean 'Town'.

裏町 ( うらまち・現 大宮町 / 中央町 )
三嶋大社境内にある祓戸神社、 通称浦島さんに繋がっていたため「浦町」とも呼ばれていました。鎌倉古道沿いでは、当時の面影の静けさを感じることができます。

Uramamachi (Currently Omiyacho, Chuocho)
Haraido Shrine located inside the grounds of Mishima Shrine was also known as Urashima San, lending its name to the town. Walking along the Kamakura Kodo today, we can still feel the tranquility of those days.



久保町 ( くぼちょう・現 中央町 )

Kubocho (Currently Chuocho)
The word Kubo is a low-lying area, and as this town sits in one of the lowest-lying areas of the region, 'Kubocho' was a fitting name. Once a distribution center for the area, today a large post office now serves this role.

大中島町 ( おおなかじまちょう・現 本町 / 南本町 / 広小路町 )

Onakajimacho (Currently Honcho, Minamihoncho, Hirokojicho)
Directly translating to large island town, the name is derived from the fact that the area lies between the Genbe and Shinomiya Rivers, resembling a large island within the city. Still today, the streets in this area are crowded with visitors and locals alike.

小中島町 ( こなかじまちょう・現 本町 / 南本町 )

Konakajimacho (Currently Honcho, Minamihoncho)
This 'island' area is bordered by the Shinomiya and Goten Rivers and is smaller than the neighboring Onakajimacho. On its main street stood large intricate gates that guarded the entrance to two Honjin* owned by the Seko and Higuchi families.
*Large residences officially designated as accomodations for government officials and feudal lords during the Edo period.



伝馬町 ( てんまちょう・現 大社町 / 日の出町 )

Tenmacho (Currently Taishacho, Hinodecho)
This town was the center of transportation and trade and located at the intersection of the Shimoda and Sano Highways running south and north from Mishima. It is said that this area housed 100 horses and 200 men engaged in the shipping and transport of official documents, passengers and freight.

新町 ( しんまち・現 大社町 / 日の出町 )

Shinmachi (Currently Taishocho, Hinodecho)
As the word Shin (new) implies, this town was newly established on the eastern edge of Mishima Juku at the start of the Tokaido post system early in the Edo period. From the bridge that crosses the Daiba river into the town center, we can see the same stately view of Mt. Fuji that people have observed here for centuries.



茶町 ( ちゃまち・現 西本町/栄町/緑町/西若町 )

Chamachi (Currently Nishihoncho, Sakaecho, Midoricho, Nishiwakacho)
This area was home to numerous teahouses where weary travelers could rest and enjoy local delicacies, much like they do today.

柴町 ( しばちょう・現 芝本町/本町/一番町/寿町 )
「柴町」は町域にある長圓寺が、芝増上寺の末寺であったことが その名の由来とされています。また、雑木林が多い地域であったことから、江戸時代の文献には"柴"の漢字が充てられています。

Shibacho (Currently Shibahoncho, Ichibancho, Kotobukicho)
This town derives its name from the fact that the temple located there, Choenji, was a related temple of Shiba Zojoji located in Edo. The name also refers to the thickets (shiba) growing in the area.

蓮行寺町 ( れんぎょうじちょう・現 泉町 / 栄町 / 広小路町 )

Rengyojicho (Currently Midoricho, Sakaecho, Hirokojicho)
This area was so named after Rengyoji Temple (currently Izu Kokubunji Temple) was constructed. The temple was later renamed Izu Kokubunji Temple, with the town also renaming itself Kokubuncho.

茅町 ( かやまち・現 加屋町/栄町/清住町 )

Kayamachi (Currently Kayamachi, Sakaecho, Kiyozumicho)
The area surrounding the Sakai River on the western edge of the city was a low-lying wetland where plants used for thatch (kaya) could be found.

六反田町 ( ろくたんだちょう・現 広小路町/泉町/西若町/寿町/緑町/南町 )

Rokutandacho (Currently Hirokojicho, Izumicho, Nishiwakacho, Midoricho, Minamicho)
On your next walk through this suburban area of the city, imagine it was once covered by a large rice field measuring 6㎢, hence the name that translates to exactly that.

田町 ( たまち・現 北田町/南田町/中田町/中央町/富田町/南二日町 )

Tamachi (Currently Kitatamachi, Minamitamachi, Nakatamachi, Chuocho, Tomitamachi, Minamifutsukamachi)
As people began to inhabit this region defined by rice fields and low-lying wetlands, it was given the name Tamachi.

市ケ原町 ( いちがはらちょう・現 大社町 )

Ichigaharacho (Currently Taishacho)
Located along the Old Shimoda Highway, this area was often crowded and hosted a local Ichi or market.

歌川広重「東海道十二 五十三次三島」には三嶋大社前に広がるまちが描かれています。(三島市郷土資料館提供)

歌川広重「東海道十二 五十三次三島」には三嶋大社前に広がるまちが描かれています。

二日町 ( ふつかまち・現 大社町/東町/東本町 )
市ケ原町に同じく、三嶋大社前に栄えた 「二日町」では、毎月二日に市が立っていたことからこの名が付けられたと言われています。市の習慣は、近世初期頃まで続いていたそうです。

Futsukamachi (Currently Taishacho, Higashicho, Higashihoncho)
Similar to Ichigaharacho, this was a prosperous area located near Mishima Shrine. A market was held here on the second of each month, a custom that continued into the modern era.

金谷町 ( かなやちょう・現 大社町 )

Kanayacho (Currently Taishacho)
Kanaya which translates to 'metal valley' was a town that derived its name from the concentration of smiths who constructed armor and forged swords and horseshoes in the area.

木町 ( きまち・現 西本町/栄町/西若町/緑町 )

Kimachi (Currently Nishihoncho, Sakecho, Nishiwakacho, Midoricho)
Kimachi (wood town) was known for its kichinyado*, woodworking shops and lumber yards that prepared timber for Mishima Shrine.
*Facilities offering lodging where no food was served and payment for stay was often paid in firewood.

宮倉町 ( みやぐらちょう・現 大社町/東本町/日の出町/東町 )
三嶋大社の南側には蔵が建ち並ぶ一角があり、古くは「倉町」という地名も残っています。 三嶋大社周辺で収穫された穀物が貯蔵されていたそうです。

Miyaguracho (Currently Taishacho, Higashihoncho, Hinodecho, Higashicho)
This area south of Mishima Shrine (miya) was once lined with storehouses (kura) and was where the rice harvest was kept.

長谷町 ( ちょうやちょう・現 大社町 / 日の出町 )
名前の由来には諸説あるとされています。① 伊豆国府の「庁舎」が訛った ②長者が住んでいた ③ 源頼朝の三嶋明神参拝に関わった在庁の屋敷跡てがあったことなどが挙げられています。

Choyacho (Currently Taishacho, Hinodecho)
There are several stories as to the origins of this name. One suggests that the pronunciation of the provincial government building in Izu, known as a Chosha, shifted to become Choya.

三島宿のお土産 / Mishima Juku Souvenirs


Throughout the Edo period, a popular souvenir for visitors to Mishima Juku was the Mishima Calendar, whose history days back to the 12th century. When Minamoto no Yoritomo established the shogunate in Kamakura in 1192, he called a master of Onmyoji (Japanese esoteric cosmology) from Kyoto to help create a new-style calendar, the first to use kana (Japan's original text) instead of kanji.
Created utilizing a woodblock printing technique, people could refer to this calendar to decide the ideal timing for events throughout the year including when to sow seeds and even when to cut your nails. Priced at approximately ¥3200, it was a popular must-have item when visiting Mishima.





まちの中心 / The Heart of the City


Although the exact date of the foundation of Mishima Shrine is uncertain, it has been the cultural and spiritual center of the region since ancient times. As people from all over the country came here to worship and as travel flourished along the Tokaido highway during the Edo period, Mishima Shrine further expanded to become the true heart of the city. It is a legacy that is still with us today, and one that Mishima is proud to share with future generations of residents and visitors alike.



時を知らせる「時の鐘」 / Telling the Time Toki No Kane

源兵衛川沿いに現存する「時の鐘」には、人々に時を告げる大事な役割がありました。江戸時代には日の出前に6回、日暮れ後に6回、鐘の音がまちに鳴り響いたそうです。寛永年間(1624-1643)年に鋳造され、修復を繰り返し親しまれてきました。第二次世界大戦時に供出されてしまいますが、市民の有志によって1950 年に再建され、現在に至ります。

The large iron bell that stands beside the Genbe River was originally cast sometime between 1624-1643 and played the important role of marking the passage of time. In the Edo period, the bell would ring out over the city six times before sunrise and then six more times after sunset. During WWII, this bell was given up to support the war effort and reconstructed by volunteers in 1950.


