ハレノヒ ,Vol.11 まちの湧き間  わたしたちのたからもの

三島のきっかけマガジン ハレノヒ Vol.11

Message from the editor

次号のテーマを決めるとき、私たちハレノヒチームはこれから始まる冒険への大きな興奮と期待に包まれます。各号が発行される数ヶ月前から調査・取材・撮影を行い、それぞれがテーマを解釈し意見を交換するのです。今回のVol.11「まちの湧き間 わたしたちのたからもの」を制作する過程は数ヶ月ではなく、はるかに長く感じました。





Each time the Harenohi Team comes together to decide the theme for the next volume, there is a palpable feeling of excitement that fills the room. For months before each release, we live with our subject while we research, conduct interviews and share photographs and ideas. For Volume 11, "Springs of Life", I was struck by the feeling that the creation process was not months, but much, much longer.

In one sense, this all began 4.5 billion years ago when a swirling mass of gas and dust came together to form our planet, or perhaps it was around 3.8 billion years ago with the first evidence of liquid water. Eventually, I came to envision that the making of Volume 11 began just 10,000 years ago with the birth of Mt. Fuji in its current form, as massive amounts of basaltic lava flowed toward the sea before coming to rest beneath our feet.

Today, as it has for millennia, meltwater from Mt. Fuji's peak flows underground through this porous rock, finding places to bubble to the surface here in Mishima. It is from this confluence of nature and civilization that our city evolved and which has become the backbone of its commerce and culture.

In Volume 11, we invite you to join us in revisiting just a few of the springs that can be found throughout the city, and if you have yet to see them, consider this your invitation to come see for yourself these beautiful displays of natural beauty – these Springs of Life.

境川・清住緑地 Sakai River / Kiyozumi Green Area

三島市清住町にある親水公園である「清住緑地」は、1ヘクタール弱の広さを誇ります。かつてはこの敷地に人々が暮らし、一面には田んぼが広がっていました。市民のために作られたこの場所はトンボの聖地と言われており、36 種類ものトンボの生息が確認されています。広大な敷地の中で繰り広げられ様々な生物たちの営みは、私たちに四季の訪れを告げます。

The Kiyozumi Green Area is a one-hectare water park located on the city's southern border and in days gone by, was a carpet of rice fields with people living nearby. The area is now a sanctuary for wildlife with 36 species of dragonflies living among the cool springs and is a wonderful place to sit and witness the changing of the seasons.
- Kiyozumicho, Mishima City







白滝公園 Shirataki Park

三島駅南口から徒歩5 分。毎年4 月の終わり頃から、公園のあちらこちらから雪解け水が湧き出します。溶岩に覆われた湧き間から溢れ出す水は、富士山から7 割、箱根山麓のものが3割りと言われています。その温度は、15.6 度と20 度。昔はその水の勢いを利用した水車を立て、米を精米していたそうです。

At this park located five minutes from Mishima Station's south exit, crystal-clear meltwater bubbles to the surface each April. It is said that this meltwater is comprised of approximately 70% from Mt. Fuji and 30% from Mt. Hakone at 15.6 and 20 degrees Celsius respectively. In the past, waterwheels harnessed this flow of water to refine rice.
- Ichibancho, Mishima City







瀧川神社 Takigawa Shrine

瀧川神社の御祭神は、瀬織津姫神( せおりつひめのかみ)。民間信仰の場として「滝不動」とも言われ、水の信仰を集めていました。また、修験者の集まる禊道場でもあり、三嶋大社で行われる祭典の前日には、神職がこの滝に入り禊をしたと伝えられています。例祭日は2 月28 日。
- 三島市川原ヶ谷

Takigawa Shrine is a sacred place where mountaineering ascetics once came to train and attain spiritual power. Each year on February 28th, a festival in honor of Seoritsuhime – guardian of rivers and purification - is held at Mishima Taisha, the day before which priests perform a purification ceremony in the waters that cascade from a mountain spring high above this shrine.
- Kawaharagaya, Mishima City





雷井戸 Kaminari Ido


According to legend, water began to flow from this spring when the ground was struck by lightning, lending it the name Kaminari Ido, or 'Lightning Well'. As you walk down the narrow path between homes, you will see Mishima Baikamo – an aquatic flowering plant – growing in the springs that flow year-round. The area is now carefully maintained by a citizen volunteer group to ensure its preservation.
- Minamihoncho, Mishima City





水の苑緑地 Mizunosono Green Area


Crystal-clear springs well up throughout this serene green space in the center of the city, with ducks, kingfishers, little egrets, and fireflies calling it home. Enjoy burbling streams, lush greenery and colorful seasonal flowers as you walk along the promenade, stopping to rest at one of its many quiet benches.
- Midoricho, Mishima City



源兵衛川 Genbe River

楽寿園内の小浜池を水源として、中郷温水池に流れ込む源兵衛川。上流部では、川べりに遊歩道が設けら れており、市内でありながらも、緑のアーチに水のせせらぎを体感することができます。まちを象徴する川のひとつである源兵衛川。川辺を散策しながら、少し時間に余裕を持って目を凝らして、生まれたてのひとしずくを探してみてください。

The Genbe River is a symbol of the city and flows from Kohama Pond inside Rakujuen to a natural water heating reservoir called Nakazato Onsuichi. As you walk along these steppingstones upstream and under a tunnel of green, spring water seeps through layers of lava, falling drop by drop into the burbling river beneath your feet.
- Shibahoncho, Mishima City



三島梅花藻の里 Mishima Baikamo-no Sato


Designated as an endangered species, Mishima Baikamo is an aquatic plant that now flourishes in the waters at this spring-fed pond. Due to its sensitivity to water quality and temperature, it can grow in only ideal conditions. To ensure that these rare plants can continue to bloom, volunteers visit regularly to comb their leaves, allowing them to fully breath in the oxygen-rich water. These beautiful white flowers that bloom from under the water's surface are a testament to the purity of these springs.
- Minamihoncho, Mishima City







菰池公園 Komoike Park

その昔、菰池公園の付近に「真菰(まごも)」が多く生えたことから、菰池公園と名付けられました。桜川の源流にもなっており、市民からは、憩いの場として親しまれています。冬になると地下水位が下がって、水量が極端に減ります。 富士登山の出発地点となったこの場所で、登山前には人々が禊をしていたそうです。

Long ago, an edible wetland plant called 'Makomotake' grew in this area and is the origin of the name Komoike, or Komo Pond. This spring-fed pond is the source of both the Sakura and Goten Rivers and the park is a popular place to unwind. In winter, the groundwater level falls as water becomes trapped in snow and ice, causing the water volume to dramatically decrease. In the past, pilgrims gathered here to purify themselves as they began their climb to the top of Mt. Fuji.
- Omiyacho, Mishima City




