ハレノヒ , Vol.9 まちと営む(あゆむ)

三島のきっかけマガジン ハレノヒ Vol.9

Message from the editor

三島のまちの旧東海道沿いには、地域の風景に溶け込み、コミュニティーになくてはならない商売を400年以上にわたって営んでいる方たちがいます。 彼らは、その受け継がれてきた伝統技術と何世代にもわたり積み重ねてきた商売のノウハウを後継者に伝えてきました。ハレノヒマガジンのVol.9では、様々なものを取り扱う4軒の老舗に出会い、時代とともに彼らがどのように変化し、何を次の世代に残したのか学びました。

あめや鮨 長倉さんは、鮨をにぎることに人生を捧げた強い想いと日々続けている技術の鍛錬の大切さを話してくれました 。6代続くヘアサロン・ショージのスタイリストである庄司さんは、刀から鋏に持ち替えた剣士であった初代の足跡をたどりながら、新たなことへ挑戦を続けています。遠州屋染物店の6代目、髙林さんは日本の伝統的な染色技術に忠実でありながら、現代的なデザインや染色手法の可能性を探っています。
そして、6代続く山田園 山田さんは、緑茶が生活の中で果たしてきた家庭団欒の食卓に寄り添う役割を思い出させてくれました。


Lining Mishima's ancient highways and winding streets, we can find businesses that have long been part of the local landscape, some in operation for over 400 years. For centuries, business owners have handed down their skills and know-how, with each successive operator standing on the shoulders of their forebearers. In Volume 9 of Harenohi Magazine, we met with the proprietors of four establishments, each with their unique business niche to learn how they have changed, and what has remained through the generations.

At Ameya Sushi, we spoke to Nagakura San, a fifth-generation sushi master who shared with us his commitment to a life without limits and to the pursuit of daily learning. Shoji San, a sixth-generation hair stylist is continuing to challenge himself, following in the footsteps of the founder of Hair Salon Shoji, a master swordsman who transitioned to the scissors from the sword. At Enshuya, Takabayashi San, a sixth-generation dyer stays true to the techniques of traditional Japanese dyeing, while exploring the modern possibilities of the art. Then at Yamadaen, Yamada San reminded us of the role that green tea has played in our culture, bringing together generations of family and friends, a custom they look to reintroduce into our lives.

This issue winds down with a stroll around Mishima, shining a light on the distinctive and charming building designs that can be found throughout the city, an early 20th century style of construction known as Billboard Architecture. Follow the map we've created to guide you to the people who have been supporting the Mishima business community for generations and past the buildings that have long adorned its streets.

職人の手仕事 Haran


This decorative, green leaf known as Haran can often be seen accompanying sushi. Although commonly made of precut green plastic in our modern era of convenience, Haran were originally made of a type of bamboo leaf and used to keep sushi moistened, and to prevent aromas and flavors from transferring to other foods. Haran served both a functional purpose as well as an opportunity for the chef to showcase his knife skills as each one was meticulously cut into beautiful designs.





お寿司を運ぶ Sushi Delivery


This traditional style of wooden carrying box is known as an Okamochi, and in days gone by, was used to deliver sushi all over the city. According to Chef Nagakura, they have even delivered sushi south through the Izu Peninsula and into the mountains of Amagi carrying such an Okamochi, a sight rarely seen today.



由緒の秘密 Yuisho Explained

由緒とはそもそも、①来歴やいわれ②長い歴史を経て作り上げられた格式 の意味を持ちます。ヘアサロン・ショージさんが「職人」として公認されたことを意味するこの由緒書きを受けたのは、なんと江戸時代のこと。幕府公認の職人の証明です。

This Yuisho is a document issued to recognize a part of the culture with a longstanding history and special significance. The founder of Hair Salon Shoji was issued this Yuisho by the Edo Shogunate to certify his skill as a 'shokunin, or 'craftsman.





伊勢の行商 Merchants from Ise


During the Meiji Era, Ise City in Mie Prefecture was the leading center of dyeing and for the stencils used for dyeing textiles, and merchants would visit Mishima selling the year's most popular stencil patterns. Today, such stencils are preserved at Enshuya, reflecting the precision and delicate craftsmanship of the day.







川の恵み Gifts of the Water


Mishima is known as a city of water, and flowing throughout the town are crystal, clear rivers, spring fed from the meltwaters of Mt. Fuji to the north. It was because of this volume of pristine water that during the Meiji Era, there were more than 20 dyehouses located throughout the city. To this day, the waters of the Sakura River are used to remove the natural glues used in the dyeing process.



茶の湯の道具 Utensils


As part of the tea ceremony, an ornamental pot known as a Chagama is used for boiling water. At Yamadaen, this Chagama and other beautiful utensils are used when preparing their deliciously fragrant, rich tea.





お茶屋の夏 Summer at the Teahouse


There are few better ways to enjoy summer in Japan than with frosty-sweet shaved ice, and starting last year, you can now try this spectacular Yamadaen Teahouse shaved ice flavored with their specialty, matcha and hojicha.


