ハレノヒ ,Vol.6 乗り物でめぐる、わたしたちのまち

三島のきっかけマガジン ハレノヒ Vol.6

Message from the editor


ハレノヒVol.6では、3つの移動手段に焦点をあて、三島のまちを巡ってみました。 「いずっぱこ」として地元のひとたちに愛されている伊豆箱根鉄道に飛び乗り、いつもだったら気にも留めないような、車窓からの風景を探しました。そして、まちを走るコミュニティーバスでは、たくさんの人たちとお話し、わたしたちのコミュニティーを新鮮な視点で観察してみました。最後に自転車でまちを巡り、その自由さと開放感を味わいながら、細い道、新しい道の探検を楽しみました。


When we travel, there is an unmistakable thrill as we take our first steps in a new location. The unique sounds, aromas, as well as the contrasting pace of everyday life are immediately palpable. There are also discoveries waiting to be made as we navigate a city through its local transportation system.

With this in mind, for Vol. 6 of Harenohi we decided to shine the spotlight on three modes of transportation that shuttle us around Mishima. We jumped aboard our beloved Izuppako to see the diversity of sights to be seen through its windows. Then with a timetable in hand, we rode Mishima's system of community buses and to our delight, had the chance to talk with many of our fellow riders, whose stories gave us the opportunity to see our community with fresh eyes. Finally, our bicycle tour gave us the freedom to truly explore and follow new and exciting paths in all directions.

There truly was so much to rediscover when we let Mishima's trains, buses, and bicycles carry us away.


伊豆箱根鉄道・軌道線 Izuhakone Railway・Kido Line



The Izuhakone Railway was the first privately owned electric railway in Shizuoka Prefecture, and from 1906 until 1963, the company operated a streetcar that ran from Mishima Hirokouji Station to Numazu Station called the Kido Line. The trip took 24 minutes one way and ran every 12 minutes. This streetcar was also known as a Chin-Chin Train, named after the sound of the bell operated by the conductor at the rear of the train. While passengers were getting on and off the train, the conductor rang a single bell. Once the train was ready for departure, the driver heard two rings of the bell, hence the name Chin-Chin Train.





駿豆線カラーのご紹介 Colors of the Sunzu Line


When you think of the Izuhakone Railway, what color comes to mind? Think back to a time when you saw a train pass you at a crossing, or while waiting at a station, what color do you see? Did you know that each color has its own meaning and origin? Read on to find out more.



The 3000 Series is an Izuhakone Railway original and is painted in honor of the region. Blue represents the sea surrounding the Izu Peninsula, while white represents Mt. Fuji's snowy cap.



The 7000 Series is two-tone silver and blue, with a blue stripe emblazoned along its stainless steel exterior. It is the first train to feature moveable cross-seats.



The 1300 Series was transferred from the Seibu Railway in 2008-9 and sports the Seibu Lions baseball team color, 'Lions Blue'.



This 1300 Series is painted in the original yellow and beige colors from the year it was manufactured, 1979. It is known as the Yellow Paradise Train and is the only yellow train on the Izuppako.



In commemoration of the 120th anniversary of the Sunzu Line, this train adorns the green and cream colors of the original Kido Line.

駿豆線と、日本文学 The Sunzu Line and Japanese Literature

伊豆といえば、幾つもの文学作品に登場する歴史ある土地。所縁のある文豪は、数多く知られています。その作中にも、実は伊豆箱根鉄道駿豆線が登場する場面があるんです。 歌人であり作家・思想家であった与謝野晶子は、伊豆長岡駅で短歌を詠み、作家の夏目漱石は日記である「修善寺日記」の中で、「三島から大仁を汽車に乗っている」と記しました。 かの有名な芥川龍之介は家族に向けた手紙の中で、東京から修善寺まで鉄道での移動を指示、プラットフォームを手書きで示し、乗り換えについて案内しています。あの文豪が、歌人が、当時利用していたと考えると、なんだか胸がワクワクしませんか?

The Izu Peninsula and the surrounding region is steeped in a long and rich history. It is also the backdrop for many well-known works of literature in which the Izuhakone Sunzu Line makes an appearance. Author, poet, and pioneering feminist Yosano Akiko (1878-1942) wrote a tanka poem at Izu Nagaoka Station, and in his Shuzenji Diary, novelist Natsume Soseki (1867-1916) wrote about riding the train from Mishima to Ohito. In a handwritten letter to his family, writer Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) described his journey from Tokyo to Shuzenji in careful detail. Knowing that such literary masters were influenced by the magnificent views and in the comforting rhythm of the Izuppako tracks, we hope that you too will be inspired to see the area again with new eyes.

コミュニティバスで出会う、三島のスポット Things We See By Bus


While community buses are an indispensible part of city life, they are also wonderful opportunities to meet new people and see places we have never seen before. These routes wind their way through yet unexplored neighborhoods and allow us to see the city from new perspectives. With this in mind, why not jump aboard? There is a whole new side of Mishima just waiting to be found.



At the last stop of the Fureai-Go, you will find a classic Japanese coffee shop called Junkissa Kinemaza. Once inside, you will be struck by its movie-themed interior and careful attention to detail. Near the door, you can play two of your favorite movie songs on a circa 1971 jukebox for just ¥100, then browse from a collection of over 2000 movie pamphlets and assorted memorabilia. Order lunch from their traditional 'kissaten' menu then sit back and relax with a dark roasted hand drip coffee.









Stepping off at the last stop at the Kitaue Culture Plaza, and into the Kitaue Community Hall we were greeted by an enthusiastic employee who also happened to be an avid collector and creator of transparent skeleton specimens. Inside his collection of small glass bottles lay strikingly beautiful transparent fish skeletons in contrasting hues of magenta, royal blue, and teal.





自転車に乗ってであう、三島の風景 Sights and Sounds by Bicycle


Peddling through Mishima, you will find a city of shrines and ancient roads, babbling streams, and rolling hills, all highly accessible and waiting to be discovered. Here are a few more of the sights that you will see on your ride that we couldn't fit into our Harenohi Magazine. And we have a favor to ask of you. We would love to see some of your favorite cycling spots, so by all means, send us your photo and let us know.












