ハレノヒ ,Vol.5 Ode to Mishima まちが響くとき

三島のきっかけマガジン ハレノヒ Vol.5

Message from the editor


デンマークの作家、ハンス・クリスチャン・アンデルセンの言葉は多くを語ります。私は個人的な経験から、この言葉に心から賛同します。日本を初めて訪れた1995年、私は日本語を話すことができませんでした。しかし、ギターを背負い、音楽の力を利用することで、言葉や文化的な 障壁を乗り越え、新しい友人を作り、彼らと生涯の関係を築くことができました。




"Where words fail, music speaks."

These words from Danish author Hans Christian Andersen speak volumes, and from personal experience, I wholeheartedly agree. Coming to Japan in 1995, unable to speak Japanese, I was quickly able to make new friends and build lasting relationships by strapping on my guitar and harnessing the power of music to transcend language and barriers of all kinds.

In Volume 5 of Harenohi, we spoke to three creators who are transforming Mishima's musical future, and who are leading a lyrical movement to bring people together through music. With their own unique approach, they each envision a world in which music is the catalyst to spark new discoveries, connect people from all over the world, and to in turn, further enrich our lives.

This is our Ode To Mishima. We hope it speaks to you.


音楽と出会う、音楽でつなぐ ロレンツォ・ジャンナッチーニさん Creating Musical Connections


Pietrasanta, Italy is a medieval town known the world over as an international center for art and sculpture. Under the direction of master artisans, its famed marble studios and bronze foundries produce some of the world's greatest works. As a child, music director Lorenzo Giannaccini was deeply influenced by this artistic environment, a perspective that would follow him as he worked and collaborated with people in several countries worldwide. He is now working to bring his love of music to Mishima, and is currently producing concerts and events here in the city. Over the next 5-10 years, he plans to further connect Mishima to musicians, artists and performers from around the world.



音楽と暮らす、暮らしの中の音楽 COCOAさん Life With Music


Musical duo Cocoa were born and raised here in Mishima and have been friends since kindergarten. After forming Cocoa in their third year of junior high school, they have continued to write and perform together, and continue to play their songs to hometown fans and new audiences alike. They are now broadening their creative horizons to collaborate with local businesses to produce everyday items that connect with their music.



音楽の可能性、音楽を問い直す 牧野順也さん Redefining Music's Endssless Possibilities


Based in Basel, Switzerland, violinist Makino Junya is now bringing his passion for music back to his hometown of Mishima. His particular musical interests lie in contemporary music, which for some listeners may be a yet unexplored genre. For fans, one of the joys of contemporary music is how both composers and performers explore and redefine the possibilities of music and sound. Much like the city itself, performances incorporate traditional elements with a spirit of imagination and creation. As it is music to be experienced firsthand, Junya is currently organizing contemporary music concerts and festivals for music fans here in Mishima.



まちの音 City Sounds


Take a moment and listen to the sounds that are all around you. The sounds of nature, the cars passing by, the murmur of talk and laughter, we are all surrounded in sound. What if everything around us was indeed ringing out with its very own unique voice…a voice that just might help us see a new side of things. And as you look at the photographs below, try to hear the song they are singing. It's the introduction to an Ode to Mishima.

音楽のある場所 Coffee and Jazz

撮影場所としてお借りした三島・広小路にある Cafe du Lima は、約60年前から続くジャズ喫茶。親子2代で営まれています。棚いっぱいに並んだレコードから選ばれる曲は、父と息子で少し好みが違うのだとか。心地よいボリュームで流れるジャズを聴きながら、コーヒーを飲んだり本を読んだり。暮らしの中に自然に溶け込んでいる素敵な場所です。

Cafe du Lima near Mishima Hirokouji Station was the location of this photo shoot. Family owned and operated, they have been serving up great coffee for over 60 years. Music fans will also love their extensive collection of jazz albums and enjoy the expertly curated song lists of both father and son. Take along your favorite book, sit back and relax as the soft outside light warms the room. We know you will feel right at home.






